"I was out fishing 10” of ice when I went through. Temps were -24 below zero plus a wind chill. When I went in, the cold water knocked the air out of me. I tried to pull myself out, but every time I tried the ice would break away. After three or four attempts I was getting pretty tired and it was hard to get enough Oxygen. My Striker Ice Climate suit kept me floating. I tried to take a few deep breathes, then I reached out on the ice and managed to pull myself out. I was soaking wet and it was painfully cold outside. The closest place was my buddy's place. It was far enough that knew I was going to have to dig deep and push myself. After a while, every step I took felt like a million needles going through the bottom of my feet. I remember I kept picking out a point and I would push myself to walk to it. I kept doing this until I approached my friend's house. Luckily my buddy saw me approaching and knew something was up. I remember getting to his door and just collapsing. I was very lucky and probably shouldn’t be here. I can’t stress enough how dangerous ice fishing can be. We invest in rods and reels, but the first thing I tell everyone is to make sure you have a floating suit like my Striker Ice gear. I still have the suit that saved me and the memories of that day. I hope everyone reads this and takes a minute to evaluate your safety. Lastly, no matter the challenges life brings to you, keep driving forward in life. In the end you will be a better person for it."

Matt Bain - Striker Pro Staff 


"I was fishing for Pike in Ct. As soon as I went in, the suit took me right to the surface. I was actually surprised at how buoyant I was. My legs were kept up and the suit helped me get out because my body was pretty even with the top of the ice. It kept me surprisingly dry because a lot of my body was out of water. Thank you guys for making an outstanding product! Please, keep it up."

Jereme R., Customer from Connecticut


"I bought the gray Guardian Striker bibs and jacket from you about a year ago (Last Christmas). I have to say that I have always been impressed by it for the warmth, comfort, etc. Today (UNFORTUNATELY) I got to test it out in the water firsthand. Our boat went down after hitting a submerged net out of Bolles Harbor in Monroe MI. Best estimates were that we were in the water for about an hour before USCG could find us. The air temperature was 28 degrees  when we launched this morning. I would imagine water temp was in the 40's.  Anyways, I credit my life partially to the suit with it being able to keep me warmer and assist with staying afloat while in the water. I really thought I was going to die out there but I think the Striker suit had a hand in saving my life for sure! Thank you for supplying such an awesome product."

Jason P.  - Customer from Michigan


"I was venturing out onto Lake O with my dad to check out some fishing holes in the winter of 2014. The ice seemed thick enough to support us at a depth of 6 inches or more. Luckily, I had my dad outfitted in the Striker Lite Suit, which I have worn myself many times. I participated in demonstration events for Striker, showing how to crawl out after falling through the ice wearing Striker flotation-assist gear back in the day when there was only a Lite Suit and a Heavy Suit. Anyways, my Dad fell through the ice and using techniques I learned myself doing the demonstrations, he was able to easily get to the edge and roll out onto good ice. There is no doubt that this suit saved my Dad’s life. "

Nathan K. -  Customer from New York


"I laughed at one of my buddies for spending so much money on a Striker Ice Suit for both him and his adult son. Sure, the Striker suits look good but who cares for fishing? We poked fun at them for spending so much money. Well, we didn’t know that nether one could swim so I never thought about the risks of them being out on the on ice. While out with a group of fishing pals one trip in Michigan waters, my buddy and his son ventured out early in the morning on the ATV to find a certain hot spot near a channel. There seemed to be plenty of ice since this was in late winter 2017-18. The water in the channel area is perhaps 75 feet deep. Well, they hit some bad ice while both were riding on the ATV and they dropped in. They remained there in the icy cold water for almost two hours until some of us went out to look for them. They were able to float the whole time, although they were freezing cold being in the water that long. I contacted Striker to thank them for saving my friends’ lives and I am sold on their ice fishing apparel with flotation-assist. We plan a celebration of life party for my friend and his son. "


"I was out river fishing on cold day in early spring. Since it was so cold, I decided to wear my StrikerICE fishing suit to stay warm. I am 70 years old and I can get cold out there in the river. While I was fishing, I blacked out sitting on my boat seat and fell overboard into the river. When I regained consciousness a short time later, I was bobbing in the river instead of dropping to the bottom. My buddy helped me get back in the boat to safety. Thank you Striker for saving my butt."

Important: Sureflote® is not Coast Guard Approved. This item is not approved by the Coast Guard as a personal flotation device or life preserver. Sureflote® may be rendered ineffective in adverse conditions such as strong water currents. The Sureflote® system does not protect against hypothermia in extreme cold water.